Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Working Title

Many ideas were thrown around tonight during our first collective brainstorming session. It seems that we have decided on a central theme of bridges with a working title of "A View From the Bridge" (not to be confused with the Arthur Miller play of the same title). Due to the intricate factors of the final performance (both creative and technical), numerous decisions are required of the group before our next meeting. Most importantly each member must decide what equipment will be used for their piece and how they plan to utilize that equipment. These discussions will take place in the coming days over email.

This week each member will also begin the creative process and will likely (but not necessarily) take the form of a video each of us will create (which we all decided will be in .mov format (640 x 480) and audio will be .aiff. Jo Ellen has volunteered to compile the videos for the group. Thank you Jo Ellen.

After each collaborator decides on the equipment that will be necessary for their piece, we will decide the best placement of that equipment in the studio space. As most decisions made by a group, I am anticipating a bit of give and take on everyone's part in regards to equipment placement. With one fixed screen, we must decide where the second (and possibly third) screen/projector will be placed. We also will determine camera placement based on our individual needs.

It is possible that our left coast collaborators will also once again be part of the creative process as group members may decide to work with them as part of their performance or they may simply be members of the audience. This is yet another decision that will be made at some point very soon.

As is always the case when working in small groups, we will each wear many hats and move from creators to tech crew throughout this entire process.

Next up, what do we need and where will it all go....

1 comment:

  1. It seems like you need to set up a crew. It can't all be if the mood moves someone to volunteer, or the production may lag behind the actual needs. Think about how the production staff is to be organized. You need a tentative schematic for the space by next week. You need to think about when each scene is being performed, who is in it and what roles others will play when not performing (cameras, mixer, stage managing, etc.) Assign roles for set up. Maybe even for this next session when we need to set up projectors and decide configuration.
