Monday, September 28, 2009

A Film That Moves

For the second movie, we were instructed to create a movie that includes moving images. Since there were no specific content requirements, I let the creative juices flow. For the first movie, I chose the music first and then laid out the images on top. For this film, I decided on the clips before I chose the music. As you can see, I chose multiple sound tracks as opposed to the one I used in the first.

I find slow motion movies to be fascinating - everyday occurrences, such as a dog drinking water, never seemed so interesting until viewed in slow motion. You would think there would be significant contrasts between Larry David and Timothy Leary but if you give it some thought, they are more closely related after some exploring - which is why they ended up together. I had a difficult time choosing the Hendrix interview clip as well. I was torn between that and a great clip of John Lennon and Mick Jagger but ultimately I thought the Hendrix interview kept with the flow. Check it out.

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